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A Special Conversation


You know you're a trailblazer, right?


Are you clear that people look up to you?


Do you know that your willingness to make your dreams a reality makes the people around you want more for themselves?


I don't say any of this to create pressure. I'm here to remind you that you make decisions that are right for YOU. The cherry on top is that you get to change the lives of others while living YOUR life.


I want to introduce you to my friend, Eleanor Oliver, and the conversation we had on Office Hours last week.


If you have dreams that feel bundled up inside of you and you're unsure how to let them out, listen to this conversation.


If you're dying to let loose and be more weird, i.e. more YOU, but you're a little, or a lot, scared that you'll be judged, Eleanor's got some great words of wisdom. Seriously, I've never coached a woman in the last thirteen years who isn't scared of being judged.


I'm pretty attached to being cool so this convo helped me knock down my cool barrier by a few bricks.


If you're yearning to be around women that leave you feeling heard, inspired and moved to be MORE of yourself, this episode will do just that.


Listen here.


Here's to you,

Sarah x