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People are waiting to follow your lead


Last week, I danced with friends, in the middle of the street, at a night market and it was GLORIOUS.


I wasn't expecting to dance and spontaneity really lifts my spirits.


It was Mum's Night Out at my son's school and we were meeting for dinner.


It was a beautiful surprise to discover that this night market was happening at the same time.


After dinner, and all but three of us had gone home, I suggested we go and check out the music. I LOVE music and was hoping it was a DJ. It was!


Here's the best part. NOBODY was dancing so we were the first! And we weren't politely shuffling from one foot to the other. No m'am. We were MOVING! Arms in the air, hips circling, spinning, laughing loudly...


To be clear, it's not that I don't feel self-conscious, because sometimes I do. This is a full of herself myth. It's that I don't let those thoughts get in the way of what I DESIRE.


I've learned that lesson, the hard way, so many times. The pain of regret is WAY WORSE than the discomfort of jumping in.


And guess what? People started joining in. We danced for an hour, we closed the place down, there was a crowd gathered on the street watching, we celebrated a 38th wedding anniversary with a couple who joined the shindig, we sweated, and we embarrassed a guy who was driving by with a few extra hip-shakes.


At the end, there had to be 15 people dancing.



But, you know what we really did?



We gave people PERMISSION to let loose and have FUN.


So many of us are scared to be the first. The first to get on the dance floor, to speak up, to wear something different from what most people wear, to follow a dream.


As a coach, I'm a "permission-giver."


I'm giving you a space to say those things that feel scary to say. Things like...


- I don't like my job and I want to do something different.

- Caring for my Mum is something I love AND hate.

- Parenting is wearing me thin and some days I don't like being a parent. (try saying this without the pre-cursor of "I love my kids but..."

- Everything in my life is good on paper and I'm embarrassed to admit I want more. Who am I to want more?


When you hire me, you're creating room for yourself to get honest in a way that most people aren't. To course-correct. To double-down on what's working well and feel proud of those successes rather than casually dismissing them. To build a more meaningful life that makes sense to YOU. To shape you into a leader that makes YOU proud. To know how to prioritize your opinion about yourself over the opinions of others. To be the first on the dance floor because you want to dance even when you feel self-conscious.


Dancing with my friends was just the joy I live for. And to see how one tiny decision can so obviously impact others was the cherry on top. We don't always get to see our impact, which is the way it's supposed to be, so it feels rewarding when we do because it reminds me I'm part of something so much bigger.


Be ok being the first. Remember, most people need permission from YOU to know they're safe to follow their dreams + desires.


I love us,

Sarah x