Today, I voted.
I voted for Kamala Harris.
As a leadership coach, I stand behind her values-driven and courageous approach to leadership. I believe our democracy has a better chance of flourishing in her hands.
As a woman, I voted for the right to decide what happens to MY body, and I'm quite sure it's the most important issue on the table for society as a whole.
As a woman, I delighted in voting for another woman. In this particular context in history, having a female president matters. And a woman of color to boot. I feel the ache in my bones for the glass ceiling to be broken.
I cried last night feeling the fragility of my hope.
I cried last night because I don't know what I'll feel and how I'll handle those feelings if she loses, if I lose.
I cried last night because some people I love are planning to vote differently.
I cried this morning because I feel the weight and disgruntlement of explaining to white men why my rights as a woman matter. Why are we even debating this?, I wonder.
In theory, I love the idea of surrounding myself with people who think differently. In practice, it's challenging and messy. I've found myself screaming into pillows, sobbing, staying calm, breathing deeply, and angry in a way that makes me ache.
While I proudly voted for Kamala, I wholeheartedly believe that you get to vote for who makes you proud. I'm not writing this blog to create division. I'm writing it to shine a light on the messy, human experience of deciding what we stand for; how to stay open when we want to be right; how to process our emotions rather than stuffing them or numbing them; how to feel heavy without dissolving into self-pity; how to trust that the situation is going to work out if we'll let it.
Election day or not, these are the decisions and skills we need to practice in order to be at peace. And there's nothing more wondrous than being at peace.
Remember, being “full of yourself” isn’t about arrogance or self-importance. It’s about holding space for all of who you are—your passion, your values, your joy, and yes, your pain. It’s about feeling the ache of hope and the sting of disappointment without shrinking or apologizing for taking up space. It’s about finding the audacity to live fully, even when the world feels uncertain or divided.
As women, we’ve been conditioned to soften, to quiet our voices, to question our worthiness. And today, I’m calling on you to embrace the fullness of your experiences. To vote for your values. To cry when it hurts. To feel the weight of what matters most, and then stand tall.
Because being at peace doesn’t mean feeling numb or detached. It means knowing that your voice matters, that your choices matter, and that even in the messiness, you have the power to make a difference.
So, let’s keep showing up, fully and fiercely. Let’s keep having the hard conversations, honoring our emotions, and fighting for the world we want to see. Because the future needs more women who are unapologetically full of themselves.
And that, my friends, is the most beautiful thing we can be.
With Love,
Sarah x