Community is Always the Answer
Team Moore Soul Sessions has come up with a new mission.
Finding the audacity to love who you are.
In everything we do, we hope to provide spaces and tools and stories to help you find the audacity to love who you are.
A country music singer by the name of Ashley McBryde is a great example of our mission.
I want you to watch a video (click below) of her Grand Ole Opry debut and fall in love with the vulnerability in her voice and lyrics. I encourage you to feel inspired by the comeback story in her song "Girl Goin' Nowhere."
There are many moments in my life where I feel as though I'm a girl goin' nowhere. I know, with every fiber of my being, that the answer to getting out of that mistaken belief is community.
I need other women to remind me who I am.
I need to remember I'm not the only one.
I need to hear your fears and desires to normalize mine.
A Pump Up Session, this work I do, the work we're doing together has always been so much more of a feeling than anything else.
Enjoy getting all the feels as you watch Ashley win. I get all the feels when I hear another woman brag, share a struggle, and show up to a session.
Stoke the feeling of falling in love with who you are. We think it's pretty audacious.
Click HERE to watch Ashley.
With Love,
Sarah x
p.s. If you live in Columbus and you're feeling tired and unsure, come and relax with us on March 7th at a live Pump Up Session Mini Retreat. We will help to reset your nervous system so you can make a hard decision with ease.