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Key Reflections From my Sabbatical

It's been three months and I'm back!


How are you my friend? Call our....drum roll please...Full of Herself Honor Line - 614.887.7676 - and leave me a voicemail telling me one true thing about your summer. 


Oh my gosh, it feels so good to share the line with you. I wanted to create a space where I could hear your voice and connect with you. If you know me, you know I love a good voice memo! We want to hear your questions, brags, fears and comments which we might also feature on this blog. 


So, I'm back from a sabbatical that reminded me how important it is to rest. It also clearly showed me how uptight my nervous system is even when I don't have a thing in the world to do. 


I needed to know that. I wanted to know that because I don't want to walk through my days feeling overwhelmed hyper-vigilant and, as a result, anxious and depressed.


Here are my most important reflections:

- I'm not having as much fun as I want to have. 

- I quite often feel dissatisfied.

- I'm placing too much emphasis on work.

- Why am I so frustrated and irritated when there is nothing to be frustrated or irritated about?

- I chase success way more than I thought I did (ouch).

- I have a really good life.

- I'm committed to not chasing a damn thing from here on out. Of course, I will, and if I do it 20% less, that's a huge win. I predict I'm already batting way higher.

- I have the privilege of shaping my life and I have chosen to feel overwhelmed. Well, that choice doesn't work for me anymore. 

- My life is a marathon not a race. I want to pace myself and enjoy the process.


I see many more sabbaticals in my future. I hope you prioritize one too because learning doesn't come from experience, it comes from reflecting on the experience. Time away gives us a chance to pause, reflect and pivot if needed. 


We're back together in one of my favorite places. Now go ahead and call me!


Cheering you on always,

Sarah x