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Why do You Ask Yourself so Many Difficult Questions? Sep 20, 2023

 Why do you feel like shit when you're actually brilliant?  

  Why does it feel awesome when someone brags about you, yet when you brag about yourself you feel silly?  

  Why do you bend over backwards to...

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How Well do You Feel Your Pain? Sep 13, 2023

How skilled are you at holding yourself in your pain?

Your ability to hold yourself and anyone you lead (team, family, child) in their pain is a great predictor of your level of joy.

If you can't bear pain, you can't tolerate joy.

Did you know that joy is the most vulnerable emotion we feel? So,...

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Key Reflections From my Sabbatical Sep 07, 2023

It's been three months and I'm back!


How are you my friend? Call our....drum roll please...Full of Herself Honor Line - 614.887.7676 - and leave me a voicemail telling me one true thing about your summer. 


Oh my gosh, it feels so good to share the line with you. I...

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Reflections From a Police Training May 31, 2023

Preston and I have delivered a training to new recruits at the Columbus Police Academy three times in the last eight months about mental health and addiction.

Last week was our third visit.

- I pointed out my cute accent.

- I told them that I just bought a lake house.

- I bragged about...

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Wanna Read my Big Girl Decisions? May 26, 2023

I'm frolicking in the fact that I've been making a lot of CEO decisions lately.


I got ma' big girl knickers on for sure.


Here are a few examples:


#1 Deciding to take a 3 month hiatus from the Full of Herself Community.


As a team - a particular shout out to ...

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A Life Coach who Doesn't Want to do the Work May 17, 2023

Today I do not want to write this blog.

Today I want to take a 6 month sabbatical and walk away from all of this brand-building, team-building, value-building shit. 

Is it valuable to me? I don't know.

I'm fantasizing about being a lady of leisure, which I do once every few months. The...

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A Bold Decision About Publishing my Book May 09, 2023

I made a bold decision!

Months ago, I shared with you that my beloved book, Full of Herself, was picked up by a publishing company.

I felt so joyful.

We were talking about submitting her for a book award. I was excited to work with a team of experts to see who I could become in the...

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Praise the People Around You May 02, 2023

A friend and member of our Full of Herself Community told me today:

"When I first joined I was unsure of speaking up in groups. Inside of the community I have found the courage to share about all aspects of my life. I've learned what safety is and that I can trust myself. I have...

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An Interesting Conversation... Apr 25, 2023

...Between me and Preston

Columbus was delightfully warm last week.

I put on some summer clothes and realized I was carrying a little winter weight. 

I said as much to Preston and Austin this past weekend when we went to our Lake House in Fairport Harbor.

Preston remarked, "Do you hear...

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Ready to Love This One Thing? Apr 18, 2023

You are lovely. Do you know that to be true about yourself?

Let me ask you another hard question?

If was to ask you to name all the things you love, how long would it take you to name yourself?

If I was asked to name all the things I love I don't believe I would have named myself.

That awareness...

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Are you a Control Freak? Apr 11, 2023


Do you feel as though you have the best ideas?

Are you frustrated when people don't listen to you?

Do you ever think that if people would hear what you're saying, and do it, then everything would be better?


I suffer from the disease of thinking I know best too.


The truth is,...

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What do we do With Hard News? Apr 05, 2023

I feel like I just got sucker punched in the chest.


I just spoke with the publisher of my book and she believes that to make Full of Herself even better, I need to work with a writing coach and re-organize the content.


The primary reason for doing so would be to help the reader...

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