I coach so many women who want to learn how to trust themselves. If you resonate with that sentiment, this story is for you.
This week I watched myself have an idea, say no for now, and purposefully plant it to watch it bloom in the future.
Oh my god, do I feel mature!
"The most loving person is the person that is self-centered." Neale Donald Walsch writes this in his book, Conversations with God, and I completely agree.
Yet, it's the exact opposite of what we have been taught. The same goes for being full of ourselves and bragging.
To be...
You think you need fixing because when something goes wrong, doesn't live up to your expectations, or you fall short of your own goals, you assume the problem is you.
You believe there is a deficiency in you and you wrap your identity around that idea.
I'm here to tell you...
I watched this reel and its message has stuck with me.
The main message is, 'Why do we tell women they need fixing when what we need to fix is the system'.
Fixing things like pay equity, paid leave for child-rearing, having more flexibility in our schedules, and...
I wholeheartedly believe that when I create something it’s for me first—create being the operative word. I wrote my book for myself and to take on a goal I have had for more than two decades.
I write to know myself better, to retrace my story, to learn, and to heal....
I hear my clients share these beliefs and it keeps them stuck and overwhelmed.
1. I don't like to brag about myself.
2. My worth is based on how productive I am.
3. I'm thinking about this and that, and what about this, ooh and that, and then this. (insert frantic energy of trying...
This is a fun blog to write.
For my son's 8th birthday we bought a plane ticket for him to fly to Texas, by himself, to see Preston's family. He leaves in two weeks and will be there for a week.
Here's how this came to be.
Austin's birthday is on March 1st....
When I ask my clients, “Who are you if you strip away your titles?”, an inner scramble typically reveals itself.
Gosh, who am I if I’m not a director, sister, wife, business owner, friend, mother, aunt, dog mum, and I’m left with little ol’ me?
A few reminders from me to you, or truly, from me to me!
- Let me stop fighting with the air.
- I don't need to question myself or make myself wrong. When I do, I box myself into a corner.
- I have no problems today, so let me stop manufacturing them.
- All is well.
- God is good.
Part of the issue, as high-functioning perfectionists, is that we are so hard on ourselves.
Heaven-forbid we make mistakes.
We know logically that we make mistakes all the time, and we need to in order to grow, yet emotionally we don't have the tolerance and the skills to...
On a recent interview I was asked, 'What is some mainstream advice you disagree with?'
My answer? Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.
Get out of here with that shit. Seriously.
Life is work. Getting to know ourselves is work. Work is work. Parenting is work. Love...
Boy, did my new coach, Kim, knock my socks off yesterday.
Do you ever struggle with putting up a wall, feeling like you can't show a crack in your armor and feeling a ton of pressure?
Would it be ok if we called this person - ahem me and maybe you, - a perfectionist and a high-performer?